Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Oh, by the way

My cellphone's dictionary does not actually allow me to type out 'bitch'. Instead it says 'citag'.
What is this sexism, I ask you? The dictionary can spell out 'dog' perfectly well, but not 'bitch'. WELL, I HATE TO TELL YOU THIS SAMSUNG BUT A BITCH HAPPENS TO BE A FEMALE DOG. Stupid discriminating Koreans.
I should write to them a letter. Get a petition signed. Release wild citags at them to rip them apart.
Shame on them.
And shame on me for being unable to boycott them since this is the only cellphone I have. (sigh)


DuFFeR - ڈفر said...

shoot an email to CEO of SAMSUNG, might be they have a different and better word than "BITCH".
And do let us know about that as well, so that we can update our T9's as well :D

Myra said...

hahaha I love you Aziza

Aziza said...

Am I the only one who notices the stupid Koreans part as I talk of discrimination?

TehBoogieMonsterMan said...