Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Banning YouTube

Taking away YouTube! They're taking away You Tube!!
How dare they?
Why don't they just take EVERYTHING away?
And what's the reason for it anyways? Can it seriously be that it's because of 'unIslamic content'? Hello, who was the idiot who said that? Has he noticed that the whole of the world wide web is filled with unIslamic content?
Are they taking away the internet too then? HUH?

Monday, February 18, 2008

East or West!

Election day today and I told my mother that we must go vote but clever lady that she is she made up some excuse at every chance.
So we never went.
I don't see the point of not voting. You have the chance, you have the right and you're still going to sit at home and moan about how Pakistan sucks?
The thing that really pisses me off is when people say that voting is a waste. It is not. So maybe none of the parties are worth it, and they're all corrupt, but that doesn't mean you give up all hope and sit at home and do nothing. At least go vote against the party you dislike most. Otherwise you'll be the one crying when they come into power.
And dont' think that one vote can't make a difference. It can. Every drop counts in a bucket of water and the same goes for voting and elections.
No wonder our future looks so bleak.
I'll tell you who the problem is. Adults.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Scotland BuDd!3zxX

A couple of days back Scotland Yard came to the verdict that Benazir had in fact died from a serious head injury brought on by hitting her forehead on the 'sunroof' which actually turned out to be an escape hatch.
So she basically died because of something that was meant to save her from harm. Wooh, irony. Also, I'm sorry but the idea of her getting shot is way cooler than fatal head injury. Would you rather have "OW! My face got shot in!", or "OW! I hit my head!" as your last words? She was a legend. She needed a legendary way to die.
But then again, who is to believe that Scotland Yard got it right, anyways? It's not like they had much evidence to work with, thanks to the government washing up the scene of the crime (They can't wash clean the gurgling sewers' messes but valuable crime scene information? Bring in the water tanker!) and Zardari for not having an autopsy done.
We can never be in an episode of C.S.I.

And screw all that, do you realise our movie, Kitnay Bhutto Maro Gay, is now historically incorrect? Not fair.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Film and Fame

I watched some show about Zibah Khana's reviews. And all I have to say is that I better grow up FAST or else the Pakistani cinema industry will totally get revolutionized before I can even get my hands on it! What will I do then? Direct lowly advertisements? "Fairy Herbal Fairness Cream- Just do it to believe it"?
I wish I were one of those child geniuses. The ones who graduate out of college at the age of 14. But then if I were one of those I'd probably have majored in medicine or law or something like that. So I guess it's better this way.
Also, I must watch Zibah Khana and see what's so great about it.
Do you realise we never got around to filming my incredibly rough screenplay based on Tafreeh Inn? The horror movie where everyone dies? I guess I can blame the fact that should we have gathered the cast along and tried to go through with it, it would just have been a helping hand in murderous plans plotted towards each other by half the group. Body parts might be found under the beds next cleaning. People might have actually died.
I'll be more careful with my casting next time.
Also since filming of Kitnay Bhutto Maro Gay 2 has been delayed because of Anum and Aliza, MAJOR CHARACTERS, having plans.
Plans. I ask you! What can be more important than being part of a successful film about politics, love, and um, like stuff. Actually, there's no love in it. Wow, what is in that movie? I have no idea.
Apparently football matches and tuitions are more important.