Sunday, October 26, 2008

Illustrating the URL

My biggest pet peeve is the phrase 'pet peeve'.

Other than that something I really quite hate, as does Naveen, are textbooks trying to be funny. Do you know what a textbook is? It's something they force you to read in school. So that you can be educated. And while I love being educated I do not like that fact that these books always try to be so interesting when they're just NOT. Like how Naveen's Biology book says [not word-perfect] "So the water you're drinking has actually been through someone else's body!"
My Business Studies book does that too. And it's really very annoying how the authors add all these exclamation marks at the end of their supposedly funny sentences. I might have actually found something funny if there hadn't been that punctuation mark there telling me that the guy penned the line down just for me to laugh at. That's just trying too hard, babe.
These people just need to know that they're writing a textbook. And seeing little exclamation marks scattered about the page will not make us think "Oh, wow, how interesting! I love this book, let me read another chapter or two!" Obviously it's been a long while since they were our age. They've forgotten how we think.

What I do find funny, however, is the name of the lady who wrote my Business Studies book. Karen Borrington. How appropriate, that book is like my Xanax.


Anonymous said...

Yay you mentioned Naveen in your blog! :)

And yeah, she was telling me there's this part in her Bio book that goes something like "viruses take over the RNA of bacteria to reproduce..therefore, even bacteria can get sick!!!!"

WHY DO THEY TRY TO BE FUNNY? IT PISSES ME OFF! I feel like hitting them.

Anonymous said...

Count your blessings. At least your textbooks don't weigh like 3 pounds a piece.

it's like they're TRYING to break our backs or something!

Anonymous said...

hahaha omg I just noticed the the header beneath your blog! Since when am I mysterious? You know who I am...wait, you do know right?

actually, never mind. Let's pretend you don't know me. This mysteriousness business is really quite fun!

Aziza said...

MYRA! Why can't you just write Myra? Are you embarrassed about visiting my blog?

Abdullah Tariq said...


Anonymous said...

aw damn it, you figured it out

I was trying to be kOoL!