Sunday, August 3, 2008

You know how Andre 3000 goes in Hey Ya "Shake it like a Polaroid picture"?
And then in the Ying Yang Twins' Salt Shaker it's all about shaking it like one?

Well, I was wondering, how else can you shake it?
So I made a list:

* Like a spray can
* Like a ketchup bottle
* Like a wet dog
* Like an epileptic (excellent if you're feeling controversial)
* Like you're drying your nails
* Like a baby's rattle
* Like a handshake

Any contributions? All welcome. But you readers aren't very creative so I doubt it.
Maybe we can turn this into a song, though. We just need a filthy beat.

And just as an update, tomorrow will be the day when I am going to fully regret ever wanting to go back to school.

(Oh and I'm writing this without a mouse so I can't fill in the title. No amount of Tab-ing lets me use that field. What meanness.)


Anonymous said...

Like a analoge stick.
Like a walkman fone.

Like a lousey trick.
like a ping pong ball.

Anonymous said...

Anum's head.

Anonymous said...

Shake it like a pom pom?
Shake it like a tambourine.
Shake it like Shakira.
Shake it like a Tic Tac?
Shake it like Jello?
Shake it like an Etch-A-Sketch?

Ughhhh I dont know. I just did not like that jab you made at the readers.

Abdullah Tariq said...

Shake it like a nudge.
Shake it like a multiple shrug.
Shake it like I do.

Aziza said...

AAAAH I am so proud of you all!!!
Yeah, Anum that's why I wrote that I doubt your abilities. Reverse psychology, babeh!

I love these ones:
Like a Walkman phone
Like a pom pom
Like an Etch-a-Sketch
Like a multiple shrug
And ofcourse... Anum's head.

Anonymous said...

HEY! Why my head? :S

Abdullah Tariq said...

Nobody likes me.

Abdullah Tariq said...

Here's my favorite

Put your hands in the air like you got the heat to your back
And shake your body like a baby born addicted to crack

Immortal Technique - Til it's gone

Aziza said...

Crack baby! I like you.
But I don't like your face.

Abdullah Tariq said...

I don't like it either. =[

Anonymous said...

Do not shake cameras. Very fragile pieces.