Sunday, January 6, 2008

Keyboard 5656

Hello this is Naveen's blog. My name is Naveen, I am 15 years old and will turn older~~~~~~~



Okay, back to Aziza. I'm at Nav's and was going to post proper stuff but you know what? Her keyboard is shit. I made a new year's resolution to not curse but that is the best way to decribe it and anyways, WHEN have I ever kept my resolutions?
Oh, my God, it's the funniest thing EVER none of the numbers work except for 5 and 6. And so none of the special characters work either except for % and ^.
It's 56% DiZaBl3d^!
I have to copy-paste my exclaimation marks from the other posts on my blog. Naveen doesn't even use exclaimation marks, she compensates for them with ~
Ha~ Ha~ Ha~
This is my favorite new toy. Naveen's disabled keyboard.

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